تسريحة شعر
Polygel (French & Chrome) - 30 KWD
Acrylic (French &Ombre) - 30 KWD
Softgel - 30 Kwd
Builder with Extension - 30 KWD
Builder WO Extension - 20 KWD
Rubber Gel Base W/O Extension - 15 Kwd
Plastic Nail Extension - 12 KWD
Magnetic Gel Polish - 15 kwd
Magnetic Gel Polish with Nail art- 20 kwd
Gellish Polish - 12 kwd
Gellish French - 15 kwd
Gellish chrome - 15 kwd
Softgel/Acylic/Polygel Maintenance - 15 KWd
Builder Maintenance - 10 KWD
Ruberbase gel maintenance - 10 kwd
polygel removal - 12 kwd
Softgel/Acylic/Polygel removal - 10 KWd
rubber base removal - 5 KWD
Gellish polish Removal - 3 kwd
Plastic nails removal - 3 kwd
Other Nail Services
Nail Extension Maintenance (Acrylic, Soft Gel, Polygel, Gel builder) - 15 kwd
Nail Extension Removal (Acrylic, Soft Gel, Polygel, Gel builder) - 12 kwd
rubber base H/F - 15 KWD
Gel Polish H/F - 12 KWD
Regular Nail Polish H/F - 3 KWD
French Regular Polish H/F - 4 KWD
French Gel Polish H/F - 15 kwd
Nail Art Gel regular - 10 to 25 kwd
Artificial Nail extensions - 12 kwd
Gel polish Removal H/f - 3 kwd